To close the digital divide, fund community organizations

To close the digital divide, fund community organizations

In 2007, my wife Emma Hernandez and I finished graduate degrees at University of Kansas and decided to head home and open a bilingual computer training and digital literacy center in Southeast Los Angeles. The idea was simple: connect the thousands of people offline...
Cerrandola brecha digital latina

Cerrandola brecha digital latina

Por Cesar Zaldivar-Motts   Estos no son días bipartidistas. Nunca antes los demócratas y los republicanos habían estado tan en desacuerdo, tan en conflicto.   Pero California está viendo una excepción. El proyecto de ley de Internet para Todos Ahora, un...

New Sprint Hotspot

Buy Now   Check for Sprint Internet Coverage Mobile WiFi Made Easy Skip the search for public WiFi with a mobile hotspot that gives you Internet access when you need it. The NETGEAR Fuse is slim and sleek, making it easy to take with you in your backpack, purse, or...

Shakey’s Night Fundraiser

            Come support SCDC Youth Development Programs this Wednesday from 5-8PM at Shakey’s (2522 E Florence Ave, Huntington Park). 25% of total purchases will be donated to SCDC. Meet our staff and...